Bloom’s Taxonomy

The following describes Bloom’s Taxonomy (I developed for a presentation a few years ago and have since lost the sources for it):

Knowledge – Recalls or recognizes information, ideas, and principles in the approximate form in which it was learned

Verbs: Define, label, listen, list, memorize, name, read, recall, record, relate, repeat, view, select, describe, recognize, identify, locate, recite, state

Methods of assessment: True/False, Matching, Questions, Multiple Choice, Short Answer, Essay, Fill in the Blank, Game, kwl chart, reflective log

Comprehension – Translations (viz. kenyan translations), comprehends, or interprets information based on prior learning

Verbs: Describe, discuss, explain, express, identify, locate, recognize, report, restate, review, solve, tell, match, paraphrase, rewrite, give, examples, illustrate, extend, defend, distinguish, summarize, interrelate, interpret

Methods of assessment: True/False, Matching Questions, Multiple Choice, Short Answer, Essay, Fill in the Blank, discussion, Game, Role Play, silent mapping, concept webbing, reflective log

Application – Selects, transfers, and uses data and principles to complete a problem or task with a minimum or direction

Verbs: Apply, demonstrate, employ, illustrate, interpret, operate, practice, recognize, solve, use, organize, generalize, dramatize, prepare, choose, show

Methods of assessment: Multiple Choice, Short Answer, Essay, Discussion, Graphic Organizers, flow chart, case study, problem solving, game, role play, multimedia cbi, contracts, interviews

Analysis – Distinguishes, classifies, and relates the assumptions, hypotheses, evidence, or structure of a statement or question

Verbs: Analyze, appraise, break down, calculate, compare, contrast, debate, diagram, differentiate, examine, experiment, explain, inspect, inventory, question, relate, solve, classify, point out, distinguish, categorize, subdivide, infer, survey, select

Methods of assessment: Multiple Choice, Essay, Venn diagram, kwl chart, observation, presentation, journal, peer evaluation, discussion, simulation, game, role play, multimedia cbi, problem solving, case study, interviews

Synthesis – Originates, integrates, and combines ideas into a product, plan or proposal that is new to him or her

Verbs: Arrange, assemble, collect, compose, construct, create, design, formulate, manage, organize, plan, prepare, propose, set up, write, originate, hypothesize, develop, combine, produce, invent

Methods of assessment: Essay, role play, observation, checklist, presentation, reflections, journal, peer evaluation, portfolio, discussion, simulation, game, role play, flow chart, contracts, interviews

Evaluation – Appraises, assesses, or critiques on a basis of specific standards and criteria

Verbs: Appraise, assess, choose, compare, estimate, evaluate, judge, predict, rate value, select, relate, weigh, criticize, support, consider, critique, recommend, summarize

Methods of assessment: Essay, observation, checklist, presentation, reflections, journal, peer evaluation, portfolio, simulation, game, performance, metric, role play, Interviews

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