A professional gamer’s view on gaming

This is a pretty good article I saw posted on CNN yesterday. It walks through the life of a teenage professional gamer in South Korea and highlights his desire to win, his obsession, and how he finds time to dedicate to playing games at a professional level.

So what is professional gaming? Well for those that do not know there is a Major League of Gaming (MLG). They host tournaments across the world for several of the most popular games where players compete for cash prizes.

The interesting thing about professional gaming is that not many people outside the gaming world know about it. For instance, this kid in the article posted above is making over 100k a year. The other kid they mention, who is one level above the kid is making 250k a year. Not bad salaries for a teenager in South Korea. On top of cash prizes at contests these kids become famous in the game world. They get real sponsors, sign autographs, etc. Just like a movie star or athlete.

Anyway, that my blurb on professional gaming for today. Check out the article I posted above its a decent read for those who do not know much about the topic.

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