(Updated 9/2020)
Most recent:
Pastore, R. (6.5.2020). The Instructional Design and DevelopmentProcess: A ‘How To’ Guide for Practitioners. Kindle Direct Publishing. Print version can be found here: https://amzn.to/30jchGC. Open source version can be found here: https://www.raypastore.com/ISDBook-Final.pdf
Peer Reviewed Journals:
Kapp, K., Valtchanov, D., & Pastore, R. (2020). Enhancing Motivation in Workplace Training with Casual Games: A Twelve-Month Field Study of Retail Employees. Educational Technology Research and Development.
Pastore, R., Asino, T., Briskin, J. (2019). The effects of the multimedia, modality, and redundancy principles in a computer based environment on adult learners. Journal of Multimedia Processing and Technologies, 10(2), 49-61.
Ritzhaupt, A., Pastore, R., & Davis, R. (2018). Captions and time-compressed video on learner performance and satisfaction. Educational Technology Research and Development, 66(5), 1069–1086.
Ritzhaupt, A. D., Martin, F., Pastore, R., & Kang, Y. (2018). Development and validation of the Educational Technologist Competencies Survey (ETCS): Knowledge, skills, and abilities. Journal of Computing in Higher Education, 30(1), 3–33.
Pate, C., Spangler, A., Strawn, N., & Pastore, R. (2018). A case study of process intervention within the Enterprise Content Management system support process. Performance Improvement. 57(1).
Hayes, B., Godwin, C., Pena, T., Pastore, R., & Rottman, A. (2017). Classroom Gamification: How to Use Minecraft In Your Classroom. Journal of Training, Design, and Technology, 1(1), 2-6.
Pastore, R., Briskin, J., Asino, T. (2016). The multimedia principle: A meta-analysis. International Journal of Instructional Technology and Distance Learning. 13(11). 17-30.
Pastore, R. (2016). Learner preferences in multimedia design. Journal of Multimedia Processing and Technologies, 7(4), 144-152.
Pastore, R. (2015). Learner Preferences of Time-Compressed Instruction. International Journal of Instructional Technology and Distance Learning. 12(6). 3-20.
Ritzhaupt, A., Pastore, R., & Davis, R. (2015) Effects of captions and time-compressed video on learner performance and satisfaction. Computers in Human Behavior. 59, 222-227.
Pastore, R. & Ritzhaupt, A. (2015) Using time-compression to make multimedia learning more efficient: Current research and practice. Techtrends. 59(2), 66-74.
Taper, C., Irvin, E., Igoe, E., & Pastore, R. (2015) Using Twitter in an Undergraduate Setting: Five Recommendations. eLearning Magazine.
Pastore, R. (2014). Multimedia: Learner Preferences For Multimedia Learning. Journal of Multimedia Processing and Technologies, 5(4), 134-144.
Deale, D. & Pastore, R. (2014) SimSchool. Computers in the Schools. 32(3), 197-219.
Pastore, R. & Martin, F. (2013). Designing and Developing Mobile Based Instruction: A Designers Perspective, Design and Technology Education, 18, 3, 61-72
Martin, F., Pastore, R., & Snider, J. (2012). Mobile design and development in an instructional technology class. Techtrends, 56(5), 46-51.
Pastore, R. (2012). The effects of time-compressed instruction and redundancy on learning and learners’ perceptions of cognitive load. Computers & Education, 58(1), 641-651.
Pastore, R. S., Carr-Chellman, A., & Lohmann, N. (2011). User Design: A Case Study of Corporate Change. Performance Improvement Quarterly, 23(4), 27-48.
Pastore, R. S., & Falvo, D. (2010). Pre- and in-service teachers perceptions of gaming in the classroom. International Journal of Instructional Technology and Distance Learning, 7(12).
Pastore, R. S. (2010). The effects of diagrams and time-compressed instruction on learning and learners’ perceptions of cognitive load. Educational Technology Research and Development, 58(5), 485-505.
Pastore, R. S., & Carr-Chellman, A. A. (2009). Undergraduate resident
students’ motivation to enroll in online classes. Quarterly Review of Distance Education, 10(3).
Pastore, R. S. (2008). Students’ perceptions of podcasting in the classroom. International Journal of Instructional Technology and Distance Learning, 5(12), 55-62.
Beabout, B., Carr-Chellman, A. A., Alkandari, K. A., Almeida, L. C., Gursoy, H. T., Ma, Z., Modak, R. S., & Pastore, R. S. (2008). The perceptions of New Orleans educators on the process of rebuilding the New Orleans school system after Katrina. Journal of Education for Students Placed at Risk. 13(2&3), 212-237.
Carr-Chellman, A. A., Beabout, B. R., Alkandari, K. A., Almeida, L. C., Gursoy, H. T., Ma, Z.,
Pastore, R. S. (2008). Change in chaos: Seven lessons learned from Katrina. Educational Horizons, 87, 26-39.
Carr-Chellman, A. A., Ma, Z., Almeida, L. C., Gursoy, H. T., Modak, R. S., Pastore, R. (2008). Citations as a Key to Identity in the Field of Instructional Design Technology. Tech Trends, 52(3), 64-69.
Media Publications:
Youtube.com – Instructional design and technology videos. (Retrieved 6/27/2020)
•672,100 Hits/Views in last 12 months
•26,000 hours watched in last 12 months
•2.3 million Hits/Views in lifetime
•4,203 Subscribers
Pastore, R. (2018-2020). Instructional Design Video Series. – https://raypastore.com/
- 60 videos on Instructional design
- Featured on EduFlow in The Ultimate List of 41 Instructional Design Courses- https://www.eduflow.com/blog/the-ultimate-list-of-41-instructional-design-courses
Blog. (Retrieved April 14, 2019)raypastore.com
•912 Posts
•103,758 Visits by unique IP Addresses (different computers) in last 12 months
•Blog was rated in the top 10 blogs for Instructional Design by College Online (http://www.collegeonline.org/blog/10-best-blogs-for-instructional-design.html)
Pastore, R. (2015). How I Replaced BlackBoard with 3D Gamelab. Featured in ISTE (International Society for Technology Education) daily news site. Article can be found here: https://raypastore.com/wordpress/2015/05/how-i-replaced-blackboard-with-3d-gamelab/
Pastore, R. (2015). Instructional Design Hourly Rates. Featured in the Association for Talent Development (ATD) DC Chapter headlines on Feb. 25. ATD (Formerly ASTD). Article can be found here: https://raypastore.com/wordpress/2014/12/instructional-design-hourly-rates/
Pastore, R., Briskin, J. & Asino, T.I. (2017). The Multimedia Principle: A Meta-Analysis on the Multimedia Principle in Computer-Based Training. In P. Resta & S. Smith (Eds.), Proceedings of Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International Conference (pp. 1044-1050). Austin, TX, United States: Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE).
Pastore, R. (2016). Multimedia: Learner preferences for multimedia learning. In G. Chamblee & L. Langub (Eds.), Proceedings of Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International Conference 2016 (pp. 3015-3022). Chesapeake, VA: Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE).
Moallem, M., Pastore, R. & Martin, F. (2013). Interaction in Online Learning: A Comparative Study on the Impact of Communication Tools on Student Learning, Motivation, Self-regulation, and Satisfaction. In R. McBride & M. Searson (Eds.), Proceedings of Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International Conference 2013 (pp. 2286-2306). Chesapeake, VA: AACE.
Pastore, R. & Pastore, R. (2013). Creating and Using Virtual Learning Stations in the K to 12 Classroom Learning Stations. In R. McBride & M. Searson (Eds.), Proceedings of Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International Conference 2013 (p. 3759). Chesapeake, VA: AACE.
Deale, D., & Pastore, R. (March 2013). An analysis of simSchool, an instructional
simulation for preservice teachers, using an instructional design framework grounded in the Model-Centered Instructional Theory. In P. Resta (Ed.), Proceedings of Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International Conference 2013. Chesapeake, VA: AACE.
Pastore, R. (2012). The effects of time-compressed instruction and redundancy on learning and learners’ perceptions of cognitive load. In P. Resta (Ed.), Proceedings of Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International Conference 2012 (pp. 2044-2046). Chesapeake, VA: AACE.
Moallem, M., Pastore, R. & Martin, F. (2011). A Comparative Study on the Impact of Various Communication Tools on Student Learning, Motivation, Self-regulation, and Satisfaction. In Proceedings of World Conference on E-Learning in Corporate, Government, Healthcare, and Higher Education 2011 (pp. 1519-1534). Chesapeake, VA: AACE.
Pastore, R., & Pastore R. S. (2008). Web Portfolios for Preservice Teachers: Issues, Applications, Considerations, and Comparisons, In C. Crawford et al. (Eds.), Proceedings of Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education International Conference 2008 (pp. 122-124). Chesapeake, VA: AACE.
Pastore, R. & Pastore, Ph.D., R. (2007). Technology for the Classroom:
Creating and Using Podcasts. In C. Crawford et al. (Eds.), Proceedings of Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education International Conference 2007 (pp. 2080-2081). Chesapeake, VA: AACE.
Pastore, R. & Pastore, R. (2007). From WebQuests to NetQuests: A New Model for Meaningful Integration of the Internet. In C. Crawford et al. (Eds.), Proceedings of Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education International Conference 2007 (pp. 1641-1643). Chesapeake, VA: AACE.
Pastore, R. (2006). Using Computer Based Games in the Educational and Corporate Environment. In C. Crawford et al. (Eds.), Proceedings of Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education International Conference 2006 (pp. 1393-1394). Chesapeake, VA: AACE.
Pastore, R. & Pastore, R. (2006). Using Virtual Field Trips as a 21st Century Teaching and Learning Tool. In C. Crawford et al. (Eds.), Proceedings of Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education International Conference 2006 (pp. 3577-3582). Chesapeake, VA: AACE.
Invited Publications:
Pastore, R. (2009). AECT and ECT Internship: A Once in a Lifetime Experience for Graduate Students, Tech Trends, 53(5), 13-14.
Lee, J., Pastore, R., West, R., Xu, M., & York, C. S. (2009). Preflections: Introducing the Class of 2008 AECT Conference Interns, Tech Trends, 53(1), 16-17.
Book Chapters:
Pastore, R. S., & Land, S. (2011). Mobile Computing in Higher Education. In D. Surry (Ed.), Technology Integration in Higher Education: Social and Organizational Aspects. Pennsylvania: IGI Global.
Pastore, R. S. (Eds.). (2012). Online Learning: An Instructional Technology Class’s Exploration of Online Teaching and Learning. North Carolina: CreateSpace.
Book Reviews:
Boykin, J., Harbour, M., Taper, C., Brandenburg, B., & Pastore, R. (2015). Hacking Society: How Reality is Broken. Games and Culture. Advance online publication. doi: 10.1177/1555412015576414
Deale, D. F., Key S. S., Regina, M., & Pastore, R. (2012). Women and Gaming. International Journal of Gaming and Computer Mediated Simulations, 4(1), 86-89.
Invited Publications:
West, R., York, C., Pastore, R., & Xu, M. (2010). Reflections from the first year of a successful AECT conference mentoring program. TechTrends 54(2) 13-14.
Pastore, R. (2009). AECT and ECT Internship: A Once in a Lifetime Experience for Graduate Students, Tech Trends, 53(5), 13-14.
Lee, J., Pastore, R., West, R., Xu, M., & York, C. S. (2009). Preflections: Introducing the Class of 2008 AECT Conference Interns, Tech Trends, 53(1), 16-17.
Pastore, R. S. (2012). Guide to Surfing – What Every Surfer Should Know Before They Enter The Water. North Carolina: CreateSpace.