*Note – The textbook for this video series, which contains a lot more detail, is now available on Amazon.com or as a FREE PDF on my website.
- What is Instructional Design? – https://youtu.be/04bv_bYn47o
- A basic overview of Instructional Design – https://youtu.be/O0COxY-jxXg
- How much does Instructional Design matter? https://youtu.be/AFU0lWF6Jt0
- What does an Instructional Designer do? – https://youtu.be/0TDG0jhsy2g
- How to find a good Instructional Design Master’s or certificate program – https://youtu.be/S_zfW0VqnIU
- How to get into the Instructional Design (ID) field – https://youtu.be/09v_Tdoqn4A
- How much money do Instructional Designers make? – https://youtu.be/uCuD-w7xZ6U
- Do you need a Master’s degree in instructional design: https://youtu.be/1VxkjdJLZHE
- 5 Reasons to get a Master’s degree in Instructional Design and Technology – https://youtu.be/Y3x1lpWVJXE
- Instructional Design Made Easy: Do I need a technology background to get into Instructional Design? – https://youtu.be/HTmSO0VUsHY
- Instructional Design: When to get a certificate vs a Master’s degree – https://youtu.be/FRotUVBR9to
Instructional Design Process:
- What is ADDIE – https://youtu.be/MPQVL5o5MPs
- Also see my interview with the creator of the ADDIE framework: https://youtu.be/AeIe-UelNQ4
- Analysis:
- Front End Analysis/Performance Analysis – https://youtu.be/EvJSbOy5WKw
- Instructional Analysis from start to finish – https://youtu.be/xgRUauY23-w
- Difference between front end analysis, needs analysis, and needs assessment – https://youtu.be/l8_cx8LfaBc
- Instructional Design Made Easy: Task Analysis – https://youtu.be/RJSgIScqTy4
- Design:
- Task Analysis Made Easy with Examples – https://youtu.be/QuVNyuVOBi8
- How to write Learning Objectives – https://youtu.be/s7O2yx1VOQg
- Instructional Congruency – Objectives to assessment – https://youtu.be/9pyAmF3Yz6w
- How to use multiple instructional design models – https://youtu.be/DW7Dpd93n6g
- Instructional Strategies – Organizational and Delivery – https://youtu.be/7EArPOJCaRU
- Multimedia Learning and Design – https://youtu.be/g-sknUVq1mk
- Apply Gagne’s 9 Events to video: https://youtu.be/Bilsp03VTWg
- How do people learn: https://youtu.be/o8HcNhq2tRU
- How to Teach, Present, and Design Instruction: The Quick and Dirty Version https://youtu.be/84mcDxkzy_w
- Development:
- Creating a Style Guide – https://youtu.be/wEoDty12hEI
- Common usability guidelines for CBT – https://youtu.be/0fmUEvrLoQw
- Storyboards – https://youtu.be/nsid5zqc6z4
- Common software Instructional Designers use – https://youtu.be/KPCeDCAofZA
- Common Instructional Design Deliverables – https://youtu.be/RRFZfTTn9-Y
- What is computer based training: https://youtu.be/7B52dwLhOko
- When is PPT appropriate to use for CBT: https://youtu.be/WSi2pAEKTBc
- How do you alpha and beta test CBT: https://youtu.be/NGKlgOZoLc8
- Implementation
- Overview of implementation: https://youtu.be/cYdVSXyh-lE
- Evaluation:
- Overview of Evaluation: https://youtu.be/HcE8FxOJzxo
Project Management:
- Where does ISD fit into the project management process: https://youtu.be/OKmLmwRl-2c
- Triple Constraint in Instructional Design and Project Management: https://youtu.be/77fkqglNe1o
- SWOT Analysis: https://youtu.be/rHn-_Mie0yY
- Why is PM important to an Instructional Designer?: https://youtu.be/ulY6a2M2trc
- Why do projects fail? https://youtu.be/Fg_pRJ0drOU
- Do 70% of projects fail? https://youtu.be/QdjaS0mYU4Q
- WBS – Work Breakdown Structure: https://youtu.be/x6iAhvvoXGQ
- How to play office politics: https://youtu.be/9UHVAzY85Sc
- Human Resource Management for the ID: https://youtu.be/wGUaIXFhA-4
- Rapid/AGILE Instructional Design Models: https://youtu.be/yo3Y_GY4PAI
- System’s Theory: https://youtu.be/dLPJu1mly24
- How to write a proposal for an instructional design project: https://youtu.be/N8La1rmZm2U
- Instructional Design Made Easy: How to write a basic proposal – https://youtu.be/_wHaROjt6hU
- How long does it take to develop one hour of training: https://youtu.be/ofoB-RCX0wA
- Instructional design vs developer vs programmer: https://youtu.be/DF7CPABpDGk
- 3D Learning: https://youtu.be/NUbf5hi1sP4
- What is traditional instructional design: https://youtu.be/eAwKsxQEjsc
- When do you discuss money with your client: https://youtu.be/mXtCI8d8pDA
- Can you outsource ID to other countries? https://youtu.be/p5mIYpt7LjA
- How do I use multiple Instructional design models https://youtu.be/DW7Dpd93n6g
- Levels of Educational Gaming – How to implement games and gamification into education https://youtu.be/jQoEiq5frLE
- The Greatest Instructional Design Book! https://youtu.be/jhzGAlpGk7k
- Online vs Face to Face Learning: Is there a difference? https://youtu.be/rrrpK_ZjV1Q
- Why Elearning Sucks! https://youtu.be/I10r_mZv5h0
- Creating a Portfolio for Instructional Design and E Learning https://youtu.be/pW49EPPJy14
- Instructional design vs Learning sciences https://youtu.be/BTF6oylVHvs
- I learn by doing; I am a hands on learner https://youtu.be/oc5AalNCUvU
- Class size for online class: How many is too many? https://youtu.be/u61nM_VevzQ
- How to create CBT in PPT https://youtu.be/Xw6LIJbM2mk
- Advice for Teachers going into Instructional Design – https://youtu.be/xDb0h27f5ws
- 20 Things I have observed in 20 years as an Instructional Designer – https://youtu.be/Sm_BSTC0-cw
Cite these videos:
Pastore, R. (year video was made). Title of video. Instructional Design Video Series. Retrieved from https://raypastore.com/
*There are too many to list as everything I know has been learned from countless books, articles, researchers, practitioners, websites, blogs, etc. But here are some of the main ones that I use most often:
- Anderson, J.R. (1976). Language, memory, and thought. Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum.
- Baddeley, A.D. (1986). Working memory. Oxford: Clarendon Press.
- Dick, W., Carey, L. (2000). The Systematic Design of Instruction. Glenview, IL: Scott, Foresman, and Company.
- Dwyer, F. M. (1978). Strategies for improving visual learning. State College, PA: Learning Sources.
- Gagné, R. M. (1985). The conditions of learning (4th ed.). New York: Holt, Rinehart & Winston.
- Gagné, R.M. & Driscoll, M.P. (1988). Essentials of learning for instruction (2nd.ed.). Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall, Inc.
- Morrison, G. R., Ross, S. M., & Kemp, J. E. (2001). Designing effective instruction, 3rd ed. New York: John Wiley.
- Mayer, R. E. (2005). The cambridge handbook of multimedia learning. New York: Cambridge University Press.
- Smith, P. L., & Ragan, T. J. (2004). Instructional Design (Third ed.). Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
- ISD Handbook – http://www.nwlink.com/~donclark/