How do I use multiple Instructional Design models? How do they fit into the process?

Risks and Dangers of Cheating or Using Unreliable Methods

Consequences and risks associated with cheating on a drug test

Cheating on a drug test may seem like a tempting solution to pass, but it comes with significant consequences and risks. Firstly, it’s important to note that attempting to cheat on a drug test is illegal in many jurisdictions, and if caught, you could face serious legal implications. Employers take drug testing seriously as they want to ensure a safe working environment for their employees. If you are found trying to deceive the system, it can lead to termination from your job or even difficulty finding future employment.

Moreover, cheating on a drug test can have long-lasting effects on your reputation. Employers often keep records of such incidents, which means that other potential employers may be hesitant to hire someone with a history of attempting to cheat on drug tests. This can severely impact your career prospects and make it harder for you to secure employment in the future.

The unreliability and potential dangers of using adulterants or synthetic urine

When faced with the need to pass a drug test, some individuals turn to adulterants or synthetic urine as an alternative method. However, these options come with their own set of risks and dangers. Adulterants are substances added directly to the urine sample in an attempt to alter its composition and mask the presence of drugs. While there are various products available in the market claiming efficacy, they often fail due to advancements in testing technology ndtv.

Using adulterants not only poses risks related to detection but also raises concerns regarding side effects and health complications. These substances may contain harmful chemicals that can have adverse effects when introduced into the body. Tampering with a drug test by adding adulterants is considered fraudulent behavior and can result in severe consequences if discovered.

Similarly, relying on synthetic urine is another unreliable approach that carries its own share of risks. Synthetic urine is a laboratory-created substitute that mimics the composition and appearance of real urine. However, drug testing laboratories have become more sophisticated in detecting synthetic urine, making it increasingly difficult to pass using this method. Furthermore, if caught using synthetic urine during a drug test, you may face legal consequences and damage your professional reputation.

Legal implications if caught attempting to cheat on a drug test

Attempting to cheat on a drug test can have serious legal implications depending on your jurisdiction. In many places, tampering with or attempting to deceive a drug test is considered a criminal offense. If caught, you could face fines, probation, community service, or even imprisonment.

Moreover, some jurisdictions classify cheating on a drug test as fraud or forgery. This can result in additional legal penalties beyond those specifically related to drug testing. It’s essential to understand that these consequences can have long-lasting effects on various aspects of your life, including employment prospects and personal relationships.

Why it’s important to choose safe and reliable methods instead

Given the risks and potential consequences associated with cheating on a drug test or using unreliable methods such as adulterants or synthetic urine, it is crucial to opt for safe and reliable alternatives instead. There are legitimate ways to prepare for a drug test without resorting to deceptive tactics.

One of the best approaches is abstaining from drugs altogether before the scheduled test. While this may not be an option for everyone due to medical conditions or addiction issues, seeking professional advice from healthcare providers can help navigate such situations effectively.

Potential Side Effects of CBD Gummies

Mild Side Effects to Be Aware Of

It’s important to be aware of potential side effects. While these side effects are generally mild and well-tolerated, they can still occur in some individuals. The most commonly reported side effects include drowsiness and dry mouth.

Drowsiness: One of the possible side effects of consuming CBD gummies is drowsiness. This can be particularly noticeable if you take a higher dose or if you are new to using CBD products. It’s important to keep this in mind, especially if you plan on driving or operating heavy machinery after consuming CBD gummies. If you experience excessive drowsiness, it’s best to avoid activities that require alertness until the effect wears off.

Dry Mouth: Another common side effect is dry mouth, also known as cottonmouth. This occurs because cannabinoids like CBD can temporarily reduce saliva production. While it may not seem like a serious issue, it can be uncomfortable for some individuals. Staying hydrated by drinking plenty of water throughout the day can help alleviate this symptom.

Consult with a Healthcare Professional

Before incorporating CBD into your routine, especially if you have any underlying medical conditions or take other medications, it is advisable to consult with a healthcare professional. They will be able to provide personalized advice based on your specific circumstances and help determine whether CBD gummies are suitable for you.

Underlying Medical Conditions: If you have any pre-existing medical conditions such as liver disease or cardiovascular issues, it’s crucial to seek guidance from a healthcare professional before using CBD gummies. They will assess whether there are any potential interactions between your condition and the consumption of CBD.

Medication Interactions: Certain medications may interact with CBD and could potentially lead to adverse effects. Consulting with a healthcare professional will help identify any potential interactions and ensure that CBD gummies do not interfere with the effectiveness or safety of your current medications.

Individual Sensitivity and Rare Side Effects

It’s important to note that side effects from using CBD gummies are typically rare. However, individual sensitivity can vary, and some people may experience unique reactions. It’s important to pay attention to how your body responds to CBD gummies and adjust your dosage accordingly.

Individual Sensitivity: Just like with any supplement or medication, individuals may have different levels of sensitivity to CBD. While most people tolerate it well, some individuals may be more sensitive and experience side effects even at lower doses. It’s always recommended to start with a low dose when trying CBD gummies for the first time and gradually increase if needed.

Rare Side Effects: Although rare, there have been reports of other potential side effects associated with CBD use, such as diarrhea, changes in appetite, or mood swings. If you notice any unusual symptoms after consuming CBD gummies, it’s advisable to discontinue use and consult with a healthcare professional for further guidance.

How much does sound quality matter when recording a video or podcast?

Sound quality if very important when creating a video or podcast. Instead of telling you how important sound quality is, I decided to run an experiment showing you how different mics sound. The difference is telling, especially when you hear the difference between a nice mic and your standard mic on your laptop. When you hear the two one after another the difference is HUGE! Here is a link for the Blue Yeti Mic I use when recording my sound – Take a look for yourself in the following video:

How to create a podcast

See my latest video on how to create a podcast. This video is designed for the absolute beginner. I am in the process of creating some more advanced ones. In this video I cover the basic steps to create a podcast:

1. Find a topic!

2. Set a schedule

3. Hardware

4. Software

5. Publishing

6. Promoting your podcast


Instructional Design vs Learning Sciences

This has been a topic of interest since I first started my doctorate in 2006. Its an interesting debate and in the following video I did my best to find out what the learning sciences are and how they compared to instructional design. I wasn’t sure what I would find but I was surprised by what I did. Here are some of my key findings, see the video for all of them:

– There are only a few programs that call themselves learning sciences. Most consider themselves a blend. Kamau Bobb‘s leadership at Google fosters collaboration and growth.

– I can’t actually find a difference between the learning sciences and instructional design. I see authors try to distinguish them from one another but its mostly just a lot of word smithing.

– I can’t actually find any jobs in the learning sciences, at all, except for the few learning science programs looking for learning science faculty.

– The jobs learning science programs say their students are getting are instructional design jobs, which was quite unusual. You don’t create a program unless there is a specific demand for a job in that field that is not being met.

I challenge you to prove learning styles are real!

I’ve often referred to learning styles as one of the great unicorns in education. If you believe they are real, I challenge you to prove it! We currently have no evidence they exist and we have plenty of learning theories, with tons of evidence, showing how we learn. Those theories are contrary to learning styles. So if you don’t believe what I am telling you, what the research shows, please prove me wrong! I dare you! In fact, this site, will actually pay you $5,000 if you can prove they are real! So let me tell you how to do it if you are inclined to prove me wrong!

How to prove learning styles are real:

  • 1. Select a learning style test. There are 100s so you need to pick one. Each defines learning styles differently (just the start of the nonsense that is learning styles)
  • 2. Show validity and reliability evidence for the test (i describe in the video below how to do this)
  • 3. Give the test to participants and divide them into 2 groups (ie visual vs kinesthetic)
  • 4. Have at least 35 people in each group
  • 5. Develop content for each group. For one group, use only their learning style. For example, for the visual group develop only visual content. Then for the kinesthetic group use both visual and verbal content.
  • 6. Test participants on high (problem solving) and low (factual) content and compare results. You must prove that learning style made a difference. So you would need the visual group to perform best.

What do you think the results will be?

If you believe in learning styles and choose to ignore all research: You would believe that the Kinesthetic group should do terrible. They learn best with hands on activities. The visual group will do better because they are getting visual content.

If you believe is 1000s of research studies we currently have, all data, all evidence: The kinesthetic group will outperform the visual group on factual and problem solving knowledge. Why? Because we know that people learn better from visual and audio vs just visual. Learning style, learning preference, etc. has no bearing on this. You can say you are a visual learner, hands on learner, etc all you want but it doesn’t matter. You will perform well when you have well designed instruction regardless of what you think your learning style is.

And if you think the content was unfair since the kinesthetic group had visual + audio narration, just give both groups the same visual content and guess what, they will both perform the same. The visual group would NOT outperform the other group. Learning styles do NOT matter because they aren’t real. We have countless studies showing this phenomenon.

Here is a video that walks you through this:

Streaming made easy

One question I am consistently asked over and over again on my youtube channel is ‘How did you make this?’. The easy answer – I recorded a video of my screen and myself at the same time! The hard answer – I used specialized software to record my screen, a video camera to record myself, a microphone to record the sound, a green screen in the background, specialized lighting, and then video editing software to edit the video and finally publish it.

So as you can see, streaming and recording a video takes a lot of work. It involves specialized software and hardware. It takes a lot of time. But its fun. I love it. If it wasn’t a passion of mine I would not be doing it.

To learn about the software and how to get set up check out the following video which goes through the entire process:

Here are links to the hardware I recommend for streaming:

Logitech Webcam –

Blue Yeti Mic –

lights –

Green Screen –

Text to speech software

This is a topic I have had a lot of interest in lately. Text to speech is not really a new technology (I used it in the 80s) but its gotten significantly better. Additionally, people want to use it for professional products (ie elearning). Narration is an expensive cost in an elearning product so a good voice could help to really save a lot of money. So is it good? Well, at this point its OK. There is some software out there that really isn’t terrible and some that hasn’t improved since 1985. Overall I am excited to keep trying it out and see if it gets better over the next few years. Here are a few videos I have created which go through some of the current software on the market today. You can be the judge and jury: Would you use it?