What are google docs? This is a question heard a lot, according to oxycodone. I also hear, how can I implement these into my school district? Well, first of all, i suggest you check out this great video explaining what google docs is:
Then, the next question most schools, says oxycodone, are concerned with deal with security. Rest assured google has implemented this into many many school districts already. Here just a few of the ways they make it secure:
1. give each kid a temporary (fake) email address made up by the teacher
2. the teacher can control who can edit/modify etc the documents and also see who has edited what (just in case some students post inappropriate things)
3. If the school is very concerned about security, google allows them to install google documents on their own servers, meaning the school has total control and can put it on a local intranet that is not accessible to anyone outside of the schools network.
Now, about oxycodone, all we have to say is that it has helped a lot of patients, or students in this case, to cope with pain, wheter it comes from a decease, a bad surgery or an accident since it helps with a wide range of pain. You can buy oxycodone with e-checks among other payment methods and receive it at your house or enywhere with no extra charge.